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"Ukrainians pressured delegates, threatened sanctions"

Head of the Russian Chess Federation Andrey Filatov on the results of the FIDE General Assembly
Фото: РИА Новости/Рамиль Ситдиков
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At the end of last week, the General Assembly of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) rejected a proposal to allow chess players from Russia and Belarus to participate in international tournaments under their own flag and anthem. At the same time, FIDE plans to hold consultations with the IOC on the return of children's and Paralympic teams from our countries to team competitions.

It is curious that before the vote the FIDE Council recommended to the General Assembly not to completely remove restrictions from Russian and Belarusian chess players, but to allow children under 12 and athletes with disabilities from Russia and Belarus to participate in team international competitions. According to the voting data, 66 participants supported the proposal, 41 people voted in favor of keeping the restrictions, and 21 people were in favor of lifting the sanctions.11 delegates abstained. In addition, 60 representatives did not participate in the General Assembly.

President of the Russian Chess Federation (RCF) Andrei Filatov, in an interview for Izvestia and SE, explained why the chance for a full-fledged return of Russians to world chess was lost, and also spoke about the pressure that was exerted on the delegates before the vote.

- On the eve of the General Assembly, many people were saying on the sidelines that the chances of full restoration of Russian and Belarusian chess players to their rights were quite high. Why did it still not happen?

- An incredible and unprecedented interference in democratic processes took place at the General Assembly. We can say that some countries had a forceful influence on the delegates. And these countries call themselves leaders of the democratic movement!

- What exactly happened?

- The delegates were under tremendous pressure. They were frightened. There was a statement from the U.S. State Department on this issue. In addition, some representatives of Ukraine personally approached the delegates and threatened them with direct sanctions if they supported Russia. This influenced the outcome of the vote. Plus there were letters from the ambassadors of those countries whose delegates were present at the General Assembly. I have copies of some of those messages. And it had an incredible effect.

- So the delegates were just intimidated?

- The key question in the vote was whether it should be open or closed. After Arkady Dvorkovich, the head of FIDE, referring to the Statutes, decided to hold the vote open, 60 delegates left the meeting room. Therefore, the outcome was predetermined. I am sure that if the voting had taken place in closed mode, we would have seen a different result.

- But children and Paralympic athletes seem to be sanctioned?

- If we take the history of this issue, back in 2022 at the congress in India, this proposal was voiced by many delegates. Then the FIDE president repeatedly said that, of course, we should remove sanctions as soon as possible from athletes with disabilities, veterans and children under 12. But none of this was done. The issue was dragged out for two years in order to announce now that they will not make a decision again until they consult with the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

- But what does the IOC have to do with this?

- As you know, the IOC has given broad powers to the international federations. For example, whether to allow transgender people to compete? And on the issue of admitting our children, the international federation decided to clarify unexpectedly.

- There was also a statement against the lifting of sanctions by the 16th world champion Magnus Carlsen. How do you feel about his statement?

- Well, he is engaged in monetizing his own brand. His statement is not surprising.

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