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AFU prisoner told about the lack of combat experience of instructors in the army

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Ukrainian army instructors undergo three-month training in the UK, after which they start training other soldiers without combat experience. This was revealed by a prisoner of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), Valeriy Volkul.

According to the military man, after mobilization Ukrainian soldiers were in the regiment for three days, after which they were sent to Britain for a month for training. At the same time, even inexperienced recruits questioned the knowledge of the instructors.

"The boys mostly complained: 'What are they teaching us, if they themselves say that without aviation and artillery no army can stand?" - the prisoner shared.

He also added that during his service he did not see any expediency in the orders given by the AFU command.

"Just sit and wait for something to fly on your head something. <...> If you went in with a machine gun and catch starting from Solntsepek [heavy flamethrower system] and 120s [mortars of 120 mm caliber], I don't see the point of getting people in there," Volkul concluded.

The day before, the AFU prisoner told about the absence of commanders on the front line. He also said that commanders sent inexperienced soldiers to the front line as cannon fodder and set tasks via radio communication.

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