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Political analyst pointed to deja vu from the upcoming meeting between Zelensky and Biden

Political analyst Konkov: Zelensky has already held many meetings with Biden, but there is no effect
Фото: REUTERS/Leah Millis
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A large number of meetings between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose powers expired in May, and Western politicians, including US leader Joe Biden, have not brought Kiev the necessary results, which is why the upcoming meeting between the two heads of state is already causing deja vu. This opinion was shared with Izvestia on September 23 by Alexander Konkov, an associate professor at the Department of Political Science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

On Wednesday, September 25, the Ukrainian leader will address the UN General Assembly in New York, and the next day he is scheduled to meet with his American counterpart, where he intends to present, according to the media, a so-called victory plan. The Times newspaper, citing sources, in turn, noted that Biden is unlikely to lift restrictions on the use of long-range weapons after talks with Zelensky.

"I think that the meeting will pass as a kind of deja vu, because so many such meetings have already been, so many Zelensky has already presented similar plans, but perhaps, given the not the best mental state of the current US President, for him each new plan turns out to be really new," commented Konkov.

According to him, Biden may still approve the use of long-range weapons on Russian territories, as it falls under the anti-Russian course of the West. Besides, the interlocutor of the publication believes, the relevant decisions have already been made, and not by the US president himself, but by his associates. Biden's authorization, the political analyst noted, will be nothing more than a ceremonial gesture that will legitimize the non-public agreements already in place.

"As in previous iterations, it will not lead to any real change either on the battlefield or in the actual environment of the existing conflict. The meeting will be held with deja vu, the same duty words will be said to each other and we will go home," he summarized.

At the same time, the expert added, the world community realizes that the conflict is related to the confrontation between the West and Russia. At the same time, there are many states that are in favor of a constructive solution to the crisis through the elimination of its causes, Konkov summarized.

On the eve of the British professor Mark Galeotti said that Zelensky's allies do not believe in the very possibility of victory under his plan. According to the expert, U.S. representatives have familiarized themselves with the main ideas of the plan and concluded that it is generally practical, but does not give an idea of how Kiev intends to end the conflict.

Earlier, on September 14, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that the United States and the United Kingdom had already issued Kiev all indulgences and given carte blanche to use missiles for attacks on Russian territory.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on September 12 about the consequences of possibly allowing Kiev to launch strikes against Russia. He noted that this would speak about the direct involvement of Western countries in the Ukrainian conflict and would fundamentally change its essence.

Western countries have stepped up military and financial support for Ukraine amid Russia's special operation to protect Donbas, which was announced by Russian President Putin on 24 February 2022 after the situation in the region worsened due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

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