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Zakharova says Russia plans to defend the multipolarity of the world together with its partners

Zakharova: Russia and its partners will fight for a multipolar world
Фото: РИА Новости/МИД РФ
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Russia will continue its efforts to defend a multipolar world order together with partners from the world majority, advocating the adaptation of the UN to modern realities. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said this in a commentary published on the ministry's website on September 21.

Zakharova pointed out that the "Summit of the Future" will be held in New York on September 22-23 ahead of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. It will consider the proposals of the organization's Secretary General António Guterres, dedicated to strengthening multilateral cooperation. Some of them envisage reforms in the UN. The summit plans to adopt a final document called the "Pact of the Future" with two annexes - the "Global Digital Compact" and the "Declaration on Future Generations."

"Russia consistently proceeds from the need to adapt the UN to modern realities, the main characteristic feature of which is the formation of a multipolar world order. At the same time, it is fundamentally important that the transformations are really aimed at increasing the effectiveness and authority of the organization," Zakharova pointed out.

She stressed that it is necessary to restore the central coordinating role of the UN, because it has weakened due to the West's desire to make the organization serve its interests.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the work on the main part of the "Pact of the Future" is complicated for this very reason: the co-coordinators of the negotiations take into account the position of Western states and neglect the opinions of the world majority countries. Because of this, many ambiguous ideas appear in the text, for example, equating the rights of UN members and non-state actors, which blurs the intergovernmental nature of the organization. In addition, the document establishes a universal link between climate and security issues.

As for the Global Digital Compact, it attempts to establish a monopoly on Internet regulation by collective Western states, while Russia and its partners point to the importance of bridging the digital divide between countries as soon as possible, allowing the Global South to create its own necessary products and no longer depend on Western corporations.

Zakharova emphasized that the Russian Federation is one of the founding states of the UN and a responsible member of the international community, which together with partners from the global majority will continue to fight for a multipolar world order.

Earlier, on September 4, Associate Professor of Political Philosophy and Geopolitics, consultant in strategic analysis, geopolitics and international relations, publisher and journalist Lorenzo Pocini said that Russia is a leading country in a multipolar world. The country is characterized by national and cultural diversity, and through its work it pushes other countries to create a new world order. Pocini emphasized that the residents of Europe are not satisfied with Russophobia, which is imposed by the governments of their countries, and would like to be friends with the Russian Federation.

Before that, on May 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the world is undoubtedly becoming multipolar. The head of state pointed out that those who are still trying to preserve their monopoly should understand the essence of the multipolarity process and make it natural and conflict-free.

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