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An expert spoke about the dangers of Wi-Fi enabled in public places

Expert Ismagilov: by turning off Wi-Fi before leaving the house, you reduce the risk of device hacking
Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Павел Волков
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The main reason to switch to mobile Internet in public places is data security. Oskar Ismagilov, chief expert in radio access network architecture at MegaFon, told Gazeta.Ru on September 21 .

"When Wi-Fi is on, the phone is constantly looking for available networks to connect to. Yes, it usually requires authorization and password entry. But if you have previously connected to any network, the gadget automatically connects to it when you re-enter its coverage area," he said.

According to the expert, if a network does not have the necessary security levels, it becomes an easy target for cybercriminals who can intercept personal and banking data, as well as gain access to basic services.

In addition, Ismagilov specified that when Wi-Fi is turned off, battery power is consumed more slowly and the activity of background processes of the device decreases.

The expert also named two ways to reduce the risks associated with Wi-Fi: turn it off when leaving the house, or deactivate this function directly from the menu of the gadget.

"By disabling Wi-Fi before leaving the house, you reduce the risk of device hacking," he concluded, adding that Bluetooth and VPN should be disabled for security purposes in the same way.

Earlier, on August 26, the head of the information security department of the company "Security Code" Alexei Korobchenko reported on the unsafety of using Wi-Fi routers with built-in VPN. The expert says that the termination of VPN in such a router is "practically guaranteed", as the public service is likely to be blocked.

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