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Fighters shared their impressions of the fist tournament "REN TV Fight Club"

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Russian athletes won all fights in the fist-fighting tournament in the framework of "REN TV Fight Club", which was held in Moscow on September 20 in "Vegas City Hall", and shared their impressions of the fights.

Four pairs of fighters met in the ring. Each fight ended with a knockout.

The first match was between Russian Igor "Imelei" Ionov and Brazilian Alex "Cowboy" Oliveira. The knockout occurred 1 minute and 29 seconds after the fight started. The Brazilian collapsed in the ring, seriously hitting his head, he was immediately surrounded by medics.

"He hit me first, not me to him. But I then got angry, I just started waiting, looking, I started boxing more intelligently. He hit hard, but missed," said Ionov after the fight.

In the second fight, Russian boxing master Kantemir Kalazhokov and American Brett Pastoremet. The first round was completed without a clear leader. Pastore had a minor injury under his eye. The second round was marked by an injury to the American - Kalazhokov seriously split his eyebrow. The medics were forced to interrupt the fight.

"The fight went as I planned. I wanted to check myself technically: how I move, what I can do. I think I was able to do that. I wanted to first see what the opponent can do, and start with the second round <...> I can fight with anyone, why not?" said Kalazhokov. - said Kalajokov.

The third fight was the most spectacular. Oleg "Fomich" Fomichev of Russia knocked out Rob "The Destroyer" Morrow of the United States. The fighters' bout was characterized by fierceness. The American landed the first blows, but after a few seconds he fell to the ring. Nevertheless, Morrow was able to get up, and the fight continued. The knockout occurred a few seconds later when Fomichev punched Morrow in the face.

"It's a bare-knuckle fight, who will crush who with character. Today I was stronger, and thank God. I got hit, got hit again and realized I had to finish him off. But the guy was strong - I missed the "spit" myself," - said Fomichev.

In the main fight of the evening Sergey Kuzmin defeated the American Deandre Sevage in the first round. In the first seconds of the fight, the rivals exchanged a number of heavy blows, and then Seveige collapsed in the ring, grabbing his head. After the first fall, the fighter managed to get up before the knockout was announced, but soon Kuzmin landed another heavy blow. The American athlete fell in the ring again and this time he did not manage to get up.

"I didn't have time to feel the whole fight. But I think we did a great job. As on the street I had to fight in my childhood," - concluded Kuzmin.

Boxer Dmitry Kudryashov evaluated the tournament fist fight "Fight Club REN TV". Kudryashov did not rule out that he himself will probably go out for a fist fight someday. Meanwhile, his next boxing match in the framework of "Fight Club REN TV" will be held on October 25.

Kudryashov also praised the selected athletes for the main fight of the evening - Sergey Kuzmin and Deandre Seveige, although their meeting ended in less than two minutes.

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